Monday, September 24, 2007


Wow, I'm falling down on the job already!

Yes, I have been a lazy ass and not posted. But I told you already that I am not that interesting, right? Hmmm, maybe this blog thing wasn't such a good idea.

But I will attempt to redeem myself with the last 15 minutes of company time for today. I am tired as I usually am when 5:00pm rolls around but have to say that Katherine is doing a much better job of sleeping through the night. I just hope it continues because I do hate letting her cry it out, I am sure my neighbors are ready to call Child Protective Services on me.

So Fall officially began yesterday. I have to admit that I do love Fall, though I do not like cool weather. There is something about Fall that gets all your juices flowing with respect to the holidays. But the holidays are weird here in California. Not weird just because there are a lot of weirdos living here, but it just feels weird. Being from Ohio originally, there was a certain progression toward the holidays, a natural protocol if you will, where the temperatures steadily begin to drop, the leaves begin to turn, seasonal home decor begins to sprout up around the neighborhood, and the snow begins to fall. It feels, how should I say, Christmasy? But not so in Cali. The temps will continue to be summer like probably all the way through October into November, its still sunny all day, it will be cooler but not cold, and it will rain a lot. And decor? Well, you see it now and again but Californian aren't that big on lawn ornaments. Hell, they aren't even that big on cutting the lawn (if they are lucky enough to have one).

I love living in California. But I kind of miss the ambiance of a Midwestern/East Coast holiday season. Two years ago I decided to visit my folks in Washington, DC for Christmas and I was looking forward to it because something about Christmas on the East Coast is different. It feels like Christmas. People decorate, they light up their homes, all that great stuff. In California almost everyone who decorates uses those icicle light because of course, we have no real icicles. And not as many people decorate because --horror of horrors--not everyone celebrates Christmas. Its such a diverse place that many people, even those who do celebrate Christmas, don't bother with decorations.

This year I resolve to put my money where my mouth is. I am going to decorate to my hearts content, for ALL said fall holidays, because its what I am used to. And I am going to do it with pride. Someone has to buy that stuff they have on display at Wal-Mart and Michaels.

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