Sunday, September 16, 2007

Who am I?

Why did I start blogging? Not sure to tell you the truth, I am not really an intersting person, I'm not a very good writer, so why am I here? Well, like most I would suppose, I think that I just need an outlet. So here I am.

A bit about me......I am 35 years old, married for 3 1/2 years and have a daughter, my first, born in December 2006. So she is almost nine months old (like you couldn't do the math) and is quite a handful. I am a first time mom so I am totally winging it.

My daughter, Katherine, just went down for her nap. I, unlike so many others, still feed/rock her to sleep. Whenever I admit to this seeming faux pas, I gets lots of stern looks and advice on how I need to teach her to just be put down and go to sleep on her own. I have to admit in theory that sounds fabulous. I sure as hell would get more done if I didn't I spent 15 minutes feeding her and rocking with her in a chair. I know that she needs to learn this and I am sure that eventually she will. But the reality is I enjoy feeding her the bottle (or boob) as she drifts off to sleep. I enjoy propping her up over my shoulder and rocking her as she drifts more deeply into slumber. Now, some would have you think that I am doing some sort of permanent damage to my daughter, like she will never be able to fall asleep on her own for the rest of her life. But how can that be? I like the closeness. I am certain (though of course she can't tell me)that she enjoys it to. So against the good advice of other well-meaning moms, I nurse and rock her to sleep. And you know what? That's fine with me.

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